May 15, 2009

Interface Design

Design of Everyday Things by Donald Norman.

My picks based on the books-

Good Design:
The flash drive - that little chapstick sized, all powerful god of 'you just saved my butt" superman, saving the day kind of power. I have had many instances where I have come alive and died a little inside because of this mini mighty mouse of a drive. It is a very goo design because when you go to insert it into a computer (and whether t he computer reads it or not is another discussion,) there is only one way that it will fit into the USB port.

There is a place holder on one half of the port on the computer that will accept the flash drive and vice versa for the flash drive.

So really there is only one way that the flash drive can be inserted, no mistakes and no problems, unless it doesn't read or you don't eject it properly.

Bad design:
The speed dialing function on my Motorola Razor cell phone. Every time that add a contact to your phonebook, the phone will assign them a speed dial number. That's fine and generally it works...for the first 8 contacts. The #1 slot is reserved for voicemail, but all you have to do is press and hold down one of the numbers (in this case 2 through 9)until the phone begins to call automatically. The problems begin when you have contacts that are assigned double digit numbers. I've pressed 1-0, 1-6 holding down the second number...nothing. I've typed in contact number 2-3 then hit the call button and I get an error recording, not enough digits for that phone numbers. I know that, but then how am I supposed to speed dial that person without having to go the phonebook? I've call myself reading the manual, because I'm one of the few who don't mind doing that, but it a lost cause. I don't get that, bad design, booo!

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