February 18, 2009

2/12/09==> Social Texting

Social texting is something that I am not totally hip to. I heard of twitter from a class that I was facilitating, wrote the name down (so I wouldn't forget) and looked it up later. I didn't sign up for it, but I got the gist of what is was from the videos. I couldn't see myself or anyone that I know using it, but based on the examples that the guest speaker gave, I could see how it could be beneficial.
I started with a friendster account (barely used it), then everyone moved over to myspace. So I set-up shop there and got pretty familiar with it, then everyone migrated (again) over to Facebook. As of now, I'm not there yet, but I have several people beckoning me 'towards the light', well I saw that movie. I'm sure signing up for a facebook account probably won't be as bad as i'm making it out to be.

Honestly, I could be more in touch with the people that I know, but I don't always seem to do that. Considering my degrees, you would think that that would be second nature to me.

The guest speaker brought up many interesting and inspiring points regarding the world of social texting. I guess that I shy away from with the fear that 1) I will be stuck in front a computer 2) too many passwords to remember and 3) who would really want to listen? I guess that it's not really about that, if anything it's more for me and whoever wants to come are welcome to. It does be

2009 is definitely a year for clearing out the old and bringing in new things to try. Maybe one day I might be out there Twittering. Ay Caramba.


  1. I had to do the same thing, moving over to Facebook since everyone I know are in that place. Something like 170 million people are on the Facebook, and about400,000 join everyday. Even last year, I had to explain the concept of social network, and this semester, every member of my family is using Facebook. Everyone wants to know what others are doing, this means, everyone is going to join Twitter. Well except you and me. I opened Twitter account, but Idon't use it.

  2. Well, I'd wait to join Facebook until they've sorted out this whole breach of privacy and question of ownership (of people's stuff). It's a huge stink right now and we Facebook users are understandably disturbed.
